It was on the 28th of April 2008, that i made the decision to give up jeans for an entire 12 months.
I know, i know, it is not like i am giving up my mobile phone (now theres a thought) for 12 months but believe it or not most of our wardrobe is partnered up with jeans.
So with this decision made i ploughed on. I used it as a great excuse to go shopping for loads of girly dresses and shoes to match. I am not much of a skirt wearer,you can count the number of skirts i have in my wardrobe on one hand, so I decided not to buy them.
At the beginning it was a refreshing change, no more uncomfortable stiff jeans rubbing against your women bits (eewww i know how uncouth of me to mention 'that') and no more butt crack from moi!
When winter peeked around the corner i invested in tights. Not just the usual black opaque tights but i embraced the trend of colourful tights in the same way one might embrace a pair of beloved Manolos.
By October I was half way there and happy to not be missing my skinny jeans. I soon enough became known as the girl "that i never see in jeans".
Now that we have come to the end of the first month of January 2009 and entering the second month, I have secretly found myself looking longly at jeans. Missing the ease of them and how they would be complimenting the fantastic winter boots i recently bought.
So with just over two months to go before I can end this mad jean starvation, I am looking forward to going jean shopping at the end of April and enjoying once again my love affair with jeans, because it is true absence does make the heart grow fonder.
Champagnista M
(the jeanless fashionista)
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