I don't know if it is the weather, this first grey hair I found on my left temple a few weeks ago (such trauma!), the impossible crush I have on a wonderful wonderful man (of course it is impossible otherwise it wouldn't be so wonderful), checking my HSBC balance to find out it was much lower than I wanted it to be, turning a bloody quarter of a century next sunday (how the hell did it go so fast???!!!) or the no-alcohol-no-shopping diet I have set upon myself this week (what the hell was I thinking???), but I was in a foul mood tonight. Even singing to Rufus Wainwright's 'Hallelujah' at the top of my lungs in my room at the great resentment of my dear flatmates didn't perk me up.
Then I went online for my fashion fix, and I found this: the just-released new Pirates Agent Provocateur collection, with Helena Christensen fencing in super sexy underwear at the top of her skyscraping stilettos. It did cheer me up a bit... you know, just a tad... Agent Provocateur know how to address both men and women fantasies I believe. I would love playing Tinker Bell in this kind of outfits.
Just waiting for my Peter Pan...
Champagnista V
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