Do you know Jonathan Kelsey? He is the rising star of shoe designers in London. I knew he had worked in partnership with Mulberry to create their catwalk accessories, but when fashion week comes up I tend to get totally absorbed by runway clothes and often forget to notice the accessories that come together.
Then a few days ago on my way home I found myself in awe in front of the Joseph windows on Fulham road: I don't know who came up with the staging, but it really catches your eye. It showcases a wall of Jonathan Kelsey shoe boxes, a mannequin in a tight black jacket and frilly pencil skirt going up a ladder to fecth a pair of boots, and a few wonderfully chosen pairs of killer heels. The shoes displayed are not too numerous, and in the large white half-circle space of the Joseph windows, they really stand out. Patent lace up boots, court platforms, lizard ankle stilettos, they're all a fashionista's dream and make it really hard to keep walking. If you see them, you will just think you cannot keep strutting without them.
On I went though, and it is lucky I am finishing work so late at the moment, because the shop is always closed when I pass by: no risk to get in, try them on and not come around to taking them off. My wallet couldn't afford it.
Shoes are such a sin! Shoe shopping is my favourite pick-me-up, less addictive than Zoloft, no sadness like when you go on a clothes-shopping anti-depressing cure and find yourself crying in a brightly lit fitting room in a pair of skinny jeans that show everything you're trying to hide: heels just fit, glamourize you feet, tone your legs and enhance your whole silhouette, wonder of wonders!
Well apparently Jonathan Kelsey has just taken the miracle of shoes an extra step further: he has designed an alligator sandal in partnership with British jeweller David Morris, and together they have created the quintessential luxury stylish woman's accessory, a high-heeled peep toe platform all dressed up in sparkly diamonds. There is a diamond sphere on the instep, which you can actually take off and wear as a necklace if you need to embellish your decollete for a last-minute cocktail party.
It makes sense that the shoe is named the Fyren Siren, after the obsolete term 'Fyren', which meant 'sin' in old English. What a delicious sin it must be to be try it on! What vain delicacy of touch you imagine when slipping it on your foot, what shiver of sensuality when you close the buckle of the instep strap, what elate light-headedness when you caress the rough skin of the alligator scales before standing up and walking off. Hmm... Can you just picture a man turning the diamond sphere into an engagement ring and trying the Fyren on your left foot to ask you to marry him? I would fall into his arms in a snap!
Kelsey is the jewel of shoe designers at the moment. He has just been nominated for Best Accessory Designer at the British Fashion Awards. Answers on 11 November. But can you even call the Fyren Siren an accessory anymore? I bet if you put these on and nothing else, you must feel so dressed you won't get a frostbite walking in the street naked at the heart of winter!
By Champagnista V
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