Friday, 31 October 2008
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Jonathan Kelsey's Fyren Siren

Do you know Jonathan Kelsey? He is the rising star of shoe designers in London. I knew he had worked in partnership with Mulberry to create their catwalk accessories, but when fashion week comes up I tend to get totally absorbed by runway clothes and often forget to notice the accessories that come together.
Then a few days ago on my way home I found myself in awe in front of the Joseph windows on Fulham road: I don't know who came up with the staging, but it really catches your eye. It showcases a wall of Jonathan Kelsey shoe boxes, a mannequin in a tight black jacket and frilly pencil skirt going up a ladder to fecth a pair of boots, and a few wonderfully chosen pairs of killer heels. The shoes displayed are not too numerous, and in the large white half-circle space of the Joseph windows, they really stand out. Patent lace up boots, court platforms, lizard ankle stilettos, they're all a fashionista's dream and make it really hard to keep walking. If you see them, you will just think you cannot keep strutting without them.
On I went though, and it is lucky I am finishing work so late at the moment, because the shop is always closed when I pass by: no risk to get in, try them on and not come around to taking them off. My wallet couldn't afford it.
Shoes are such a sin! Shoe shopping is my favourite pick-me-up, less addictive than Zoloft, no sadness like when you go on a clothes-shopping anti-depressing cure and find yourself crying in a brightly lit fitting room in a pair of skinny jeans that show everything you're trying to hide: heels just fit, glamourize you feet, tone your legs and enhance your whole silhouette, wonder of wonders!
Well apparently Jonathan Kelsey has just taken the miracle of shoes an extra step further: he has designed an alligator sandal in partnership with British jeweller David Morris, and together they have created the quintessential luxury stylish woman's accessory, a high-heeled peep toe platform all dressed up in sparkly diamonds. There is a diamond sphere on the instep, which you can actually take off and wear as a necklace if you need to embellish your decollete for a last-minute cocktail party.
It makes sense that the shoe is named the Fyren Siren, after the obsolete term 'Fyren', which meant 'sin' in old English. What a delicious sin it must be to be try it on! What vain delicacy of touch you imagine when slipping it on your foot, what shiver of sensuality when you close the buckle of the instep strap, what elate light-headedness when you caress the rough skin of the alligator scales before standing up and walking off. Hmm... Can you just picture a man turning the diamond sphere into an engagement ring and trying the Fyren on your left foot to ask you to marry him? I would fall into his arms in a snap!
Kelsey is the jewel of shoe designers at the moment. He has just been nominated for Best Accessory Designer at the British Fashion Awards. Answers on 11 November. But can you even call the Fyren Siren an accessory anymore? I bet if you put these on and nothing else, you must feel so dressed you won't get a frostbite walking in the street naked at the heart of winter!
By Champagnista V
Fashion news,
Women Fashion
What’s the fuss about the mist?

Last night at the strike of 11pm whilst every one else was most likely in bed, I found myself in a slinky purple dress and heels standing outside Whisky Mist. I was attending friend Zach’s birthday party and even though part of me felt like my bed was calling to me, my curiosity of this well publicised place was much stronger.
Entering the club/bar I was greeted by a baboon. Taken aback, a bear then caught my eye and looking around the room I also noticed a nun, French maid, a cat and a witch. OMG it was a Halloween fancy dress party and I immediately felt the odd ball, okay a fabulously dressed odd ball, but one all the same. Getting over the shock of being sooooo under dressed I handed in my coat and sought out Zach’s table with my friend Layla- who I had come with.
Finding the table we poured ourselves a drink, and that’s when I first took in my first sight of Whisky Mist. Looking around it felt like an older (as in crowd) version of Mahiki, you know what I mean, the Kings Road set in their natural drinking surrounding. I must say that the men where indeed yummy and easy on the eye something I quickly noticed- a must in any club.
After 30 mins of wandering around taking in the atmosphere of both the main room and the VIP section I was bored. The good-looking men were no longer enough to keep my interest, the Abercrombie boys surrounding Zach’s table (he used to be a manager at the famous Abercrombie store) still looked like they just walked straight of an ad campaign but I started to find them annoying. It seemed no amount of vodka could numb the feelings of boredom that I was experiencing. It seemed everyone was just posing and preening, as opposed to Mahiki were by the time midnight came round everyone was dancing all over the place on the small sweaty dance floor. So after an hour I found myself dragging my rather intoxicated friend out of Whisky Mist whilst wandering what the fuss about this place was, to me it is just another west end club with all the uninteresting trappings.
As I waved down a black cab to head to the next party, the time was midnight, and I felt like Cinderella, I had left the ball without my prince but at least I still had both my Choos firmly on my feet.

Kate Middleton (and friend) exiting Whisky Mist

Princess Eugenia entering Whisky Mist

Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Confusing I am African with I am having a Bono moment!
As I flipped through my fashion magazine, I came across a photo of Gwyneth Paltrow stating "I am African"- i paused as I thought is she really. As i flipped to the next page I was still pondering on the bold statement and there was Sarah Jessica Parker pouting at me and stating "I am African". I was suddenly confused. There must be more to this because surely all of Hollywood is not African, then it all came together in my mind- they are all having what i call a "Bono moment",you know what i mean, when celebs back a campaign they feel "strongly" about, and i guess the "I am African" campaign is the the latest must back up charity.
I am all for the backing of charities, i mean i was right there when they were campaigning to Drop the Debt, I nodded in agreement with all that Live 8 stands for, but sometimes i feel like do they truly care or do they have a new movie/book/reality show coming out? Well i hope that they are doing it because they care and not beause they think shocking us with "i am African" will get me donating, because in this credit crunch economy it will take alot more than a bold statement to get me to part with my hard earned cash.
I am all for the backing of charities, i mean i was right there when they were campaigning to Drop the Debt, I nodded in agreement with all that Live 8 stands for, but sometimes i feel like do they truly care or do they have a new movie/book/reality show coming out? Well i hope that they are doing it because they care and not beause they think shocking us with "i am African" will get me donating, because in this credit crunch economy it will take alot more than a bold statement to get me to part with my hard earned cash.
Champagnista M
Christmas already? say it isnt so!
As i strolled passed department store Debenhams last night i was taken aback, blinding me was the Christmas decorations of Debenhams department store. I felt- for a moment- like i was back in NY standing outside Saks adoring the window display.

Looking around me i realised that I was not alone, I had joined an excited crowd of tourists who were posing whilst taking photographs of the one window display. Going back to my thoughts i realised Christmas has arrived my fellow fashionistas, and although we are all suffering the manic madness that is the credit crunch allow me to add that it wont cost you a pretty penny to take a loved one to the window of Debenhams so you can enjoy the Christmas display on offer together (ahhh), because once you have them there you can always say Happy Christmas this (as you point to the display) is my gift from me to you. It is on this note that I add lets just hope the chinese tourists who will be standing next to you wont "wow, they sure are cheap in this country".
Champagnista thoughts
A glimpse at the Marc Jacobs of tomorrow
The position i sat in meant i kept taking i photos of ther backs!
Last night I attended Fashioning the Future at the London College of Fashion. Arriving promptly at 7pm with my opera singer friend Violetka Ivanova, we joined the queue of fashionably dressed individuals who were also attending the soiree. As we got to the front the clip board girl gave us a pearly white smile before asking our names. Before I could finish telling her my complete name, my friend and I were quickly whisked away. Feeling a bit like “what’s going on here”, she settled me by whispering “don’t worry we know who you are, let us show you and your guest where you will be seating.” I stifled a giggle as I thought OMG she knows me, but how? Looking over at my friend I see she is impressed with the treatment we where receiving so I turned to her and whispered “darling this is the norm” before we both collapsed into giggles.
The event I was invited to was the first major event organised by the Centre for sustainable fashion which is a centre that boasts Caryn Franklin as ambassador. Its objective is to support, inspire and promote innovative approaches to the fashion industry. So that evening the Centre for sustainable fashion was promoting the work of 26 designers. Seated in my seat, that was literally on the catwalk, I found my mind wondering to how I how my patience, which usually stretches as far as an average 2 minute catwalk show, will manage sitting through 26 shows all in one seating- what a dilemma!
As I pondered this "dilemma" I was drawn out with the sound of eerie loud music coming out of the speakers and dominating, and then it started to speed up as if building up momentum for the audience before the first model stomped out. Opening the show was designer Manon Flener whose collection boasted bold colours with gold beading detailing. It was a collection that seemed to focus a lot on detailing whilst embracing the French Lieutenant military look. Then Flener was quickly followed by Rani Jones who embraced the bold 1980’s look, with the use of bold colours. Most of her collection was about the famous all in one body suit made out of Lycra like material, a look that is most certainly hard to love but I must say I was impressed with the layering and cut of the pieces.
With 26 designers showing their wares, two collections stood out for me and they were Ada Zanditon who took a couture approach to her collection and Rachel Cassan whose pieces where just amazing, as they floated down the catwalk giving the audience the feeling of a touch of Stella McCartney’s glam. Watching their collections strut down the catwalk I wanted to applaud such talent loudly- something that i do not do so easily- and shake their hands. It was a feeling that lasted through out the entire 26 shows.
The event I was invited to was the first major event organised by the Centre for sustainable fashion which is a centre that boasts Caryn Franklin as ambassador. Its objective is to support, inspire and promote innovative approaches to the fashion industry. So that evening the Centre for sustainable fashion was promoting the work of 26 designers. Seated in my seat, that was literally on the catwalk, I found my mind wondering to how I how my patience, which usually stretches as far as an average 2 minute catwalk show, will manage sitting through 26 shows all in one seating- what a dilemma!
As I pondered this "dilemma" I was drawn out with the sound of eerie loud music coming out of the speakers and dominating, and then it started to speed up as if building up momentum for the audience before the first model stomped out. Opening the show was designer Manon Flener whose collection boasted bold colours with gold beading detailing. It was a collection that seemed to focus a lot on detailing whilst embracing the French Lieutenant military look. Then Flener was quickly followed by Rani Jones who embraced the bold 1980’s look, with the use of bold colours. Most of her collection was about the famous all in one body suit made out of Lycra like material, a look that is most certainly hard to love but I must say I was impressed with the layering and cut of the pieces.
With 26 designers showing their wares, two collections stood out for me and they were Ada Zanditon who took a couture approach to her collection and Rachel Cassan whose pieces where just amazing, as they floated down the catwalk giving the audience the feeling of a touch of Stella McCartney’s glam. Watching their collections strut down the catwalk I wanted to applaud such talent loudly- something that i do not do so easily- and shake their hands. It was a feeling that lasted through out the entire 26 shows.
As the end drew near I was ready for the promised glass(es) of Champagne, so when the lights came back on I decided to quickly grab my bag and friend until a boomy voice stopped me in my tracks. Looking at the front I realised that it wasn’t quite over, the man at the front was going to announce the winners of the event. So sitting back down, I stretched my legs across the catwalk trying to concentrate as the boomy voice announced the winners. I am pleased to let you know that the winner was- Nimish Shah, with Michela Carraro being crowned runner up. To round up the awards Manon Flener- the first designer in the line up- was awarded the Innovation Prize. As the crowd clapped I gathered my belongings and my friend and headed to the reception in the gallery, where my thirst was quenched with yummy champagne, complimented with what was to be my dinner -cute canapés as I air kissed and caught up with fashion industries future- tomorrows designers.
Stiletto Workout
“Women who don’t wear heels a lot lean forward and hold tension in their shoulders. They don’t settle into the heel, and shift their weight from foot to foot” [and it is not a pretty sight!] (Maryanne Byington)
Yesterday night in Central London, I saw a woman wobbling like a new born leggy horse on the most beautiful pair of silver stilettos. It would have been disgracefully endearing if the shoes had not been Christian Louboutin, but when it comes to Louboutin, there is no messing around: if you wear them, you are not allowed to disfigure them. Learn to walk before putting them on.
I mean, come on, where would Cinderella be now if she hadn't known how to run out of the palace in high heels? (one high heel to be precise, that's a true skill!!!)
My advice for women who can't walk in heels (oh do I feel for them!) has always been to not wear them, or wear a hight they could handle. However, there is a new solution to this life-survival issue which the US fashionista community addressed in all their inventive avant-guardism: stiletto workout. New yorkers can now attend stiletto-wearing classes at the gym instead of their usual step course in boring flat sneakers.
Why at the Gym? might you ask. Well, because these classes do not teach only sexy strutting, they focus on shaping and strengthening these parts of your body you need strong and tense to walk in stilettos comfortably: after a few sessions, there should be no more ankle-wobbling or back-aching, you will be able to run after your double-decker, steady coffee in hand, as if you were in your sunday jogging Nikes. Stilettos, posture and health, it's all about balance.
For you girls who used to live in heel-fear, you will be interested to know that a recent Italian medical study lead to the conclusion that wearing heels bettered one's libido by accentuating the blood rush around the pelvis. Now that it has been recognized as a healthy sport and a way to tighten and strengthen your body as well, why deny yourself the pleasure any longer? New York is next door, plane tickets are increasingly low, and one week in the Big Apple might have you totally transformed from ugly little duck to beautiful Swan.
Two names: 'Stiletto Strength' at Crunch on Union Square, and Miss Vera's High heels seminar, at Miss Vera's Finishing School for Boys who want to be Boys (cross-dressing academy if you wondered... your fellow classmates might be a little more diverse and colourful). Stiletto Strength will have more of a fitness twist to it, but Maryanne Byington, who teaches at Miss Vera's, is a former ballet dancer so might put more of an emphasis on grace and demeanour.
By Champagnista V
Champagnista thoughts,
Women Fashion
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Christian Lacroix designs for Gola

I am not a big fan of trainers... a bit snobby perhaps, but I don't find trainers very flattering or exciting, while if you wear heels, you improve you posture, your style, your silhouette and the fineness of your foot all in one go, and if you have ever read Cinderella, you will know the importance of a fine foot.
However, I must confess I do have after-party Adidas ballerinas in my bag on long clubbing nights, and it is true comfort must (sometimes) be considered. However, even when it comes to trainers, you have the choice to maintain a certain standard of elegance: proof with the new line of shoes Lacroix designed for reknown footwear brand Gola, which offers an interesting alternative to your basic squat flat tennis shoes.
Last year, Gola had collaborated with Jonathan Saunders and come up with chic trainers in understated colours and elegant shapes. This year the partnership with Lacroix has created a more baroque and luxurious line, showcasing the trademark Lacroix paisley pattern in shiny metallic embossed leather... Very 17th century wall covering, n'est-ce pas? Luxury shoes for fashionistas who want a day off.
Available from all Christian Lacroix stores from January 2009.
By Champagnista V
Fashion news,
Women Fashion
Friday, 24 October 2008
Making close Friends in Fashion is not impossible.
Friends are most certainly harder to come by the older you get. When you are young and fancy free they come in bucket loads, I must have had about 3 or 4 best friends when I was growing up- you know the kind of friends that you feel you will never part from.
Now in my late 20’s I have a very small circle of very close friends who I can count on one hand, a healthy size of good friends and large circle of just friends. I am naturally a very closed off person so it can be a bit of battle for one to get to the core of me, but I sometimes put that down to the industry I work in.
As you all know fashion was my calling and it has been for 8 years. I have managed to make a great career in one of the hardest industries to get in and stay in. It was fashion that taught me that some friends are not all that they seem especially in an industry where stepping on someone is the norm- something enforced in Ugly Betty, that in fashion friends are not made- have you seen the Devil Wears Prada? One could argue that “those are just movies” but let me tell you something the apple does not fall far from the fashion tree.
Saying that making friends in fashion can be done- I met the fabulous Champagnista V and our friendship continues to grow- so it is not all backstabbing and jealousy- case and point How to loose a Guy in 10 days- the characters worked in fashion whilst building tear jerking like friendships. So to conclude what is my point in this rant- well it’s Friday and rather quiet in the office, so I took a moment to ponder on the word friendships. I value and love my very close friends as they are the ones that remind me of my strengths, ignore my inconsistencies and I know that we have the kind of friendship where nonsense does not exist just understanding, laughter and hugs- you know who you are!
By a pondering Champagnista (M)
Now in my late 20’s I have a very small circle of very close friends who I can count on one hand, a healthy size of good friends and large circle of just friends. I am naturally a very closed off person so it can be a bit of battle for one to get to the core of me, but I sometimes put that down to the industry I work in.
As you all know fashion was my calling and it has been for 8 years. I have managed to make a great career in one of the hardest industries to get in and stay in. It was fashion that taught me that some friends are not all that they seem especially in an industry where stepping on someone is the norm- something enforced in Ugly Betty, that in fashion friends are not made- have you seen the Devil Wears Prada? One could argue that “those are just movies” but let me tell you something the apple does not fall far from the fashion tree.
Saying that making friends in fashion can be done- I met the fabulous Champagnista V and our friendship continues to grow- so it is not all backstabbing and jealousy- case and point How to loose a Guy in 10 days- the characters worked in fashion whilst building tear jerking like friendships. So to conclude what is my point in this rant- well it’s Friday and rather quiet in the office, so I took a moment to ponder on the word friendships. I value and love my very close friends as they are the ones that remind me of my strengths, ignore my inconsistencies and I know that we have the kind of friendship where nonsense does not exist just understanding, laughter and hugs- you know who you are!
By a pondering Champagnista (M)
Champagnista thoughts
Still craving those colourful tights!
A few entries ago i whined about my need for colourful tights so i could adorn them with my fabulous wardrobe. That urge has strengthened to where i am looking longly at trendy fashionistas who have already a pair of ridiculously colourful tights, so it is on this note i say no more whinging this weekend i will go forth and buy some tights to satisfy my fashion crave at last!
Thursday, 23 October 2008
A Champagnista guide to the Credit Crunch

I made the most random encounter tonight: I was on my way back home walking in the street, and this crazy foreign woman spotted me and started screaming at me in furious tones. I passed by and pretended to not know she was addressing me, but she started following me, continuing her monologue. Seeing how she was twice as big as me, you will believe me when I tell you I have never covered the distance so fast from South Kensington to Parsons Green. I guess she was not happy about the Credit crunch.
I don't get the whole credit crunch drama, every day it makes the first page of all papers in alarmist terms, and yet, everybody keeps going out, spending lots of money on alcohol, club memberships and restaurants. The CEO at Vogue House makes lenghty speeches about the recession that is coming up but keeps flying in private jets all around the world, and if all permanent contracts in Londonese fashion companies have been frozen, people keep spending lots of money on clothes in luxury department stores.
Nevertheless, if the credit crunch starts hitting our shopping habits, here are a few fashionista tips to survive it:
If you buy designer clothes, try to buy on internet. Try the clothes on in store to make sure they fit and what size to order, and then buy them online. Contrary to stores, shopping online websites do not have to pay for a selling staff or the rent of a building, so their retail margin is lower than in shops. You can save quite a few pennies there. Think Net-a-Porter, Browns Fashion, and brand websites like who are offering an amazingly wide collection on an ever sleeker site at the moment.
Do not rush into purchasing something because it is on sale. However tantalizing a label can be when it has an original price crossed in red and a new discounted price under it, you have to know that you will wear what you are about to buy. Over and over again. I am of the mind that I am not rich enough to buy cheap clothes. Buy jeans at Diesel that fit perfectly, they will last you a life time. Buy jeans at Zara for a third of the price, they will end up shapeless after three washes.
Do go on vintage quests to find 20 years ago clothes that look like today's Gucci and Dolce and Gabbana collections: just pretend they are, nobody will know the difference. And keep an ear out for sample sales whispers.
Go through your wardrobe and make a selection of what you wear on a regular basis and what you don't. You are likely to rediscover an amazing skirt or dress you had forgotten about, all tucked in that it was in the corner of a cupboard under a pile of shoes.
Whatever you don't wear can go on ebay: you could make enough money to buy your next party dress. If you buy on ebay, as much as it pains me to say this, deliberatelly type in designer names with spelling mistakes (Channel instead of Chanel). Other clothes hunters will be less likely to find these offers and the bids will be lower than you would expect.
And to finish on a more general note, there are less costly (and timely) ways to go to work than the tube (and I am not just saying that because I hate Transports for London): walk or invest in a bike, not only will it dispense you from suffering a whole tube trip with your nose in a hairy sweaty ugly man's armpit, but it will help you keep this bum and thighs tight and shapely.
By Champagnista V
Champagnista thoughts,
Online Fashion,
Women Fashion
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Skin and hungover miracle solution

I have been good and not connecting to Champagnista or my Gmail account to make sure to get through what I have on at work for the past few days... not even answering my phone. Bye bye civilized world...
Now I think I'm on top of things, at least for a few days, and it makes me laugh to see what Champagnista M has just posted, because I was just thinking today that we don't write enough about Beauty. We must have a telepathic link as fellow bloggers.
I wanted to share a well-kept beauty secret with you my dears: the miracle one of any French party girl who respects herself. Yet I am not sure you deserve it... Although you read us, so I will vouch for you. It's called Raphanus (Pottier if you don't want the generic product), and it is condensed black radish juice (black raddish make pretty flowers as you can see above). Just so you are warned, it smells and tastes absolutely foul, but if you dilute two bulbs in a big glass of water and down it after a night out, you will wake up feeling fresh as a rose in the morning... Not to mention it clears your skin like no other pore-cleansing cream can.
Today then, before a pub evening with my team, I made my way to Boots at lunch time and looked for this unspeakable of ambrosias in the pharmacy's shelves. By the way, have you noticed that in all Boots shops, condoms always sit next to Family Plans medicine? British Pharmacists start sexual education early... End of digressing, I couldn't actually find my much-needed hungover cure anywhere, and discovered it was not sold in UK pharmacies... Disappointment! But fear not my darlings, you can buy it at Medicare in Earl's Court... Otherwise next time you cross the Channel, take an extra suitcase with you and load it on the way back. It works better if you drink one bulb before and one after a night out drinking, but if you want to kiss a boy by the end of the night, you might want to keep it for the 2am homecoming...
By Champagnista V
Champagnista thoughts
From us to you, because with the credit crunch in full operation, a girl still has her beauty needs, so be sure to visit to enjoy the following offers:
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Only Creme de la mer will do dahling.....
Life for me would not be living without having the kind of glow that one has when one spends a ridiculous amount of money on a guilty pleasure, especially in these bad financial times. By that I do not mean so much the shoes, handbags and clothes (although I do enjoy something new and shiny like any girl) I am instead referring to my beloved potions and lotions that promise youth and vitality.
As a girl in my 20’s I have been cleansing and moisturising since my youth, and with every passing year my tastes have got more and more expensive and I am embarrassed to say that in 10 years I went from Nivea to Crème de la mer, which at £160.00 a buy for 400ml is indeed a treat that has led me down the student diet- you know the usual beans and toast- path more than once.
I know, I know with the credit crunch I should really be cutting back and maybe even saving a little bit of money, but I still find myself justifying my spending to myself and to those who will listen that it is an “I need” and not an “I want”.
As a girl in my 20’s I have been cleansing and moisturising since my youth, and with every passing year my tastes have got more and more expensive and I am embarrassed to say that in 10 years I went from Nivea to Crème de la mer, which at £160.00 a buy for 400ml is indeed a treat that has led me down the student diet- you know the usual beans and toast- path more than once.
I know, I know with the credit crunch I should really be cutting back and maybe even saving a little bit of money, but I still find myself justifying my spending to myself and to those who will listen that it is an “I need” and not an “I want”.
Gossip Girls are also users of this fancy and expensive cream
Monday, 20 October 2008
Vera Wang perfume?....i think not I prefer the wedding dress thank you very much Wang!
Vera Wang has realised yet another scent. Described as an luxurious and rich, yet modern and sheer perfume it is a sparkling elixir of mandarin, watery greens, jasmine, vanilla and patchouli that creates a vibrance of freshness and femininity.
This blend of complexity and transparency is most certainly a fragrance that I will not be adding to my dressing table any time soon, this is not because it smells foul it is just that when one says "Wang" to me I think beautiful wedding dresses to match my Harry Winston, not perfume I prefer to leave that to my beloved Chanel, Coco Chanel that is.
Champagnista M
R.I.P. Blackwell

The queen of fashion bitching died yesterday aged 86 years old. Richard Blackwell, author of 'From Rags to Bitches', obscure fashion designer and famous for his satyrical critics of the fashion high and mighty, passed away yesterday, after becoming famous for his cheeky annual list of the worst-dressed fashion celebrities, attacking icons from Madonna to Princess Diana...
Two of his best quotes:
Christina Aguilera: "A dazzling singer who puts good taste through the wardrobe wringer."
Meryl Streep: "She looks like a gypsy abandoned by a caravan."
Meryl Streep: "She looks like a gypsy abandoned by a caravan."
How will intelligent fashion sarcasm survive without him?
By Champagnista V
Sunday, 19 October 2008
When a Champagnista goes karting

...or goes go-karting???
I never know what the right phrasing is...
Never mind saying why I 'never know', because I am so obsviously into go-karting. It is what I do every week-end when I have an hour off as you can imagine.
On Tuesday my boss took us on a go-karting team bonding experience in North Greenwich... We managed to lose half the team on the way there but it worked out OK, and in the end everybody was there for a prepping talk before hitting the circuit. The prepping talk in question consists in a short cinema experience featuring a middle-aged round enough guy sitting down with a hand on his hip and preparing you to all the aleas of the race, with all the coding of the flags. Yellow flag slow down, black flag stop: you've done something wrong. I have absolutely no idea what the other flags stand for right now... I have taken my driving license four times (never got it if you're wondering) and managed to get black-flagged twice: it sounds about right. By the way, the staff tell you before hand that you will know a flag is for you, but when you're on and there are two other cars at your level, you have no idea who the signal is for exactly. I just decided to ignore them until they would step on the bonnet of my car.
After the prep talk we went on to the changing rooms where we put on our racing suits, long-sleeve-long-leg belted black and red jumpsuits with mandarin collars, and just from the way I am discribing them you will know that I enjoyed them... however fashion-focused I can be. I grew up with two older brothers really close to me in age, so I used to be quite a tom-boy when I was a kid. But in this suit, I felt like one of Charlies' Angels, it was fantastic! And all in all, the jumpsuits were black, straight cut, waisty and slimmimg so nothing traumatic fashion-wise.
Going on to the circuit I was feeling slightly nervous, but hell I had practised on my flatmate's Mario Kart game for the past three days and beat him a couple of times at it, so I was confident I would pull it off.
The first round was scary. I learnt to drive on manual cars and you always have your feet on both paddles to make sure to press the right one at the right time (although I remember a critical moment when I was driving around the Arc de Triomphe, which must be the scariest driving place in Paris, spotted a bike-rider about two meters away, and just froze, letting the car go on until my examiner pressed the break screaming 'Putain qu'est-ce que tu fous???' which probably doesn't need translation and explains why I am still license free... On a kart you have to keep your feet away from the paddles because you should press one or the other, but if you press both at the same time you're most likely to cause an accident (which was the first reason I was black-flagged... bullshit!)
Anyway, at the beginning I wasn't sure if I should accelerate or not, as there were bloody tight corners on this circuit. After seeing the (two) boys of the teams speed off, I decided there was no way I would let them win without a fight, so I shed my driving coyness in my sleeve and put my foot down (the right one). I'll tell you this much, when you're taking 180 degrees corner and your kart goes squeaking and slides to a perpendicular angle it feels... fantastic! Scary, but fantastic... And when you do that and send your boss' car spin in a corner, it gets really amazing.
Now I am just wondering when he is going to take us paint-balling and what kind of Bond girls' suits we're going to be wearing!!!
By Champagnista V
Champagnista thoughts
Friday, 17 October 2008
Puffers and quilts make a come back!
Moncler Gamme Rouge

Moncler Gamme Rouge



Gareth Pugh
I know, I know, I know, puffer coats will make you look round if not fat, and quilted jackets are so Barbour, Wellington boots and padded headband, scruffy or classic in the worse, it would make you shed tears of boredom. Nevertheless this morning when I left at 6am to walk to work (watch out the warrior fashionista so scared to turn into a whale she will wake up at down to have her daily hour and a half stroll... as Champagnista M said, I don't strutt I stroll, and it is so much more fun to stroll around London than to puff on a gym automatic carpet!), the sky was the palest, clearest of blues but it felt dreafully cold, windy and humid and I found myself dreaming about piling puffs above quilts... Bad bad bad Champagnista!
Yet again, this autumn has a new take on the Bonhomme Michelin outfit, and I won't even start on Burberry Spring-Summer 09 outerwear because it's all in quirky quilts and it ROCKS! Designers have gone out of their way to make shapes out of the shapeless this season, and you can rejoice because this year, you will be able to be warm, comfortable and en vogue, for a change! The lightest silky dress and coverless lacy underwear underneath (I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a complete sucker for alliterations!), and a puffy overlay that will keep you hot, it is just the way to go.
As ashamed as I am to confess this, I do love when style meets comfort, it makes you feel sooo wonderful about your clothes! The most interesting approach to this Autumn Winter trend was brought by Moncler Gamme Rouge, which really embraced the 'puff', knotting it, quilting and tailoring it in surprisingly tight and waisty silhouettes. For something more tribal, go for Gareth Pugh, and for a truly wintery upbeat look, check out Louise Goldin's AW08 outerwear who added fluff to the tailored wool quilted jacket with cozy and elegant fur collars. Champagnista selection of the best of the season above.
By Champagnista V
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Blingy Butler and Wilson?
Recently I laid my eyes on Butler and Wilson's latest creations and I must say everyone who knows me I am not one for in-your-face bling but I am loving Butler and Wilson's rather blingy collection.
Made from Swarovski crystals these bags are distinctive and stunningly beautiful. They come in a range of styles andbold, radiant colours to suit every need. So why not take a peek...
For more information please contact Joanne Elliott on 020 7409 8688 or
By Champagnista M
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
To celebrate the opening of The Convenience Store in West London, you are invited to an evening of drinks and merriment at the store set to the beautiful music of Alexander Zekke.
Special SS09 fashion presentations on the night to be announced later today
7pm - 9pm Thursday October 16th 2008
The Convenience Store, 1a Hazelwood Tower, Golborne Gardens, London, W10 5DTTel: +44 20 8968 9095
RSVP Steve or Florence at Cube PR or
Special SS09 fashion presentations on the night to be announced later today
7pm - 9pm Thursday October 16th 2008
The Convenience Store, 1a Hazelwood Tower, Golborne Gardens, London, W10 5DTTel: +44 20 8968 9095
RSVP Steve or Florence at Cube PR or
Fashion events
WANTED this week:
Anna Sui Over the knee boots
I want, I want, I want fabulously fashionable Over-the-Knee Flat Boots in dark chocolate brown (black can look so cheap if it is not real leather)- especially the ones by Anna Sui- so I can adorn my shortest skirt complimented with my black polo neck, warm winter coat and look super cute as I strut down the street that I use as my everyday catwalk.

This unfulfilled desire has made me feel like I should stomp my feet, pull my hair and scream at the top of my lungs like some unruly toddler until I get what I want. Would you say that is madness? It probably is but you know what, the saying “a woman scorned….”, is nowhere near as scary as a "woman who does not get the shoes she desires..."!!!
By the I-want-diva Champagnista M

This unfulfilled desire has made me feel like I should stomp my feet, pull my hair and scream at the top of my lungs like some unruly toddler until I get what I want. Would you say that is madness? It probably is but you know what, the saying “a woman scorned….”, is nowhere near as scary as a "woman who does not get the shoes she desires..."!!!
By the I-want-diva Champagnista M
Women Fashion
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