New York Fashion Week is in full swing and this year, nobody will deny Fashion is political and proud to advocate its colour. There are Banners at the entrance of Byrant Park, where the shows are hold, reading slogans written in a political style like 'Declare your Style' and 'Accessorize for Democracy'.
Anna Wintour and Sarah Jessica Parter are even hosting a fundraiser for Obama, during which Diane Von Furstenberg, Zac Posen and other big names of the fashion industry will have the occasion to show the designs they created to support his presidential campaign in a special catwalk. Let's hope they are more inspirational than the T-shirts Marc Jacobs designed in support of Hilary a few weeks back.
Michelle Obama will be on the front row of course, taking her place as one of the first ladies of fashion along side Jacqui Kennedy and Carl Bruni. Here is to more democratic votes!
By Champagnista V
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